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MassHire Greater Brockton Workforce Board charters the local Career Center and manages the performance measures of the local agency. The Greater Brockton Career Center is operated by the UMass Donahue Institute.

Connecting Job Seekers & Employers

Looking for a new job can be incredibly challenging, overwhelming, and stressful. Maybe you haven’t looked for a job in many years and are finding that a lot has changed. Perhaps you are looking to move to a new occupation and need help getting started. Or maybe you just need a quiet room full of the latest technology and staffed by knowledgeable professionals to help you apply for jobs on-line and send out your resume.

About MassHireGBWB

MassHire creates and sustains powerful connections between businesses and jobseekers through a statewide network of employment professionals. Learn more about us below.

The Massachusetts Workforce Association (MWA) is a statewide membership association that leads, advocates and convenes on behalf of the Massachusetts workforce development system.

MassHire Greater Brockton Committee Meetings FY25