This page has many helpful employment related posters which may be of use to job seekers and employees.

Click on any of the below thumbnails to see the official full-sized poster.

All of the AJC posters, including special interest labor law and staff posters, may be viewed at

Massachusetts Wage and Hours Laws


Need to formally register a concern about services or an employer we referred you to?


Necesita registrar formalmente una inquietud sobre servicios o un empleador al que lo derivamos?

Know your rights

Conozca sus Derechos

Equal Opportunity is the Law

La igualdad de oportunidades de empleo es LA LEY

Fair Labor Standards Act

Derechos De Los Trabajadores Bajo La Ley De Normas Justas De Trabajo

Employee Rights for Workers with Disabilities Paid at Sub-minimum wages

Derechos De Empleados Para Trabajadores Con Discapacidades Que Perciben Un Salario Inferior Al Minimo

Right to Work

Derecho a Trabajar

Massachusetts Child Labor

Leyes de Empleo Juvenil en Massachusetts

Job Safety and Health

Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo

Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Workers Rights

Services to Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers

Contacting the Department of Unemployment Insurance

Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Act