Public Notice:  MassHire Greater Brockton Workforce Board Request for Proposals

The MassHire Greater Brockton Workforce Board is seeking proposals from qualified individuals or organizations to serve as the provider for the region’s Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) One-Stop Career Center Operator Services.  The Board may award an allocation of up to $25,000 to the selected bidder. The One-Stop Operator will play a critical role in improving the local workforce system’s efforts to coordinate its diverse partners to achieve the shared customer service delivery goal in compliance with the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).

Funding for the opportunity is subject to WIOA and State regulation.  Eligible bidders include: any entity (public, private, or nonprofit), or consortium of entities (including a consortium of entities that, at a minimum, includes three or more of the One-Stop partners located in the local area, which may include:

i. An institution of higher education;

ii. An employment service State agency established under the Wagner-Peyser Act on behalf of the local office of the agency;

iii. A community-based organization, nonprofit organization, or intermediary;

iv. A private-for-profit entity;

v. A government agency; and

vi. Another interested organization or entity, which may include a local chamber of commerce or other business organization, or a labor organization.

The Board reserves the right to cancel or reject in whole or part any or all proposals in the best interest of the Region’s workforce System.

The RFP is available up to the proposal deadline by visiting:

Proposal deadline is Friday March 24th, 2024 at 3:00 PM.  Late proposals will not be accepted.